Dominion Convention 2006

About The International RCL Eastern Zone, USA

The Royal Canadian Legion is a veterans organization. Members are veterans, friends of veterans and people who want to help make our community better.

The United States is split into two Zones with the RCL International Eastern Zone, USA responsible for all the Royal Canadian Legion Posts located east of the Mississippi River and the RCL International Western Zone, USA responsible for those located west of the Mississippi River. The Eastern Zone currently has eight Posts with 400+ members and the Western Zone has five Branches with over 200+ members.

The Royal Canadian Legion is made up of Royal Canadian Legion members from the various Posts. Election of officers occurs every two years at the Convention meeting on the last weekend in September.

In the 1980's and 1990's, the governing body was known as Great Lakes State Command. In the 1990's, the name was changed to Central Command and The Royal Canadian Legion Dominion Command, the main governing body of the RCL which is located in Ottawa, Ontario designated us to be known as the Eastern US Zone.

Our Mission

The Royal Canadian Legion’s mission is to serve veterans, which includes serving military and RCMP members and their families, to promote Remembrance and to serve our communities and our countries.

We are active in the United States Eastern Zone and United States Western Zone. Membership was originally restricted to those who had served in Canada’s Armed Forces and Merchant Navy. The Royal Canadian Legion is proud of its military heritage and still maintains close ties with the Armed Forces today; however, over the years, categories of membership have evolved to include other members of the community.

To find out how you can join please contact an officer at one of the Posts or Branches listed below.

Welcome From The International RLC Eastern Zone, USA Commander

Welcome to the Royal Canadian Legion International Eastern Zone Website. We have designed this website to provide you with some information about The Royal Canadian Legion and the RCL Eastern Internation USA Zone.

This site provides you information about our memberships, news, past, future minutes, and Officers of the Eastern Zone.

I hope you find this website helpful and informational. Please contact me if you have any questions.

In Comradeship,
Commander Judy Miller